
Do you have a family holiday coming up but feel nervous about your child being around water? 

Don’t worry. 

This blog shares 6 things you can do to help your child get used to water so the whole family can enjoy a great time away.

1️⃣ Sign your child up for swimming lessons: One of the best ways to help your child feel comfortable around water is to sign them up for swimming lessons. Swimming instructors are trained to teach children how to be safe and confident in the water. At Swim Max, our swimming lessons provide a structured and supportive environment where your child can learn essential water skills at their own pace. 

2️⃣ Practice water safety: Educating your child about water safety is crucial. Teach them basic safety rules, such as never going near water without an adult, always asking for permission before entering the pool, and understanding the importance of wearing a life jacket. Knowing these rules can help your child feel more secure and responsible around water. However, be aware of how you speak with your child about this. You don't want to create fear around the water from previous experience. Kids can start to really worry about these things and refuse to even go to swimming lessons and therefore not have the chance to learn to be safer around the water.

3️⃣ Keep calm: If your child gets stressed in water, the best thing you can do is keep calm. Children often look to their parents for cues on how to react in new situations. If you panic, they’ll panic. It’s important not to make a big deal if they feel stressed in the water. Reassure them with a calm voice and gentle encouragement. Your confidence and composure can help them feel more secure and less anxious. 

4️⃣ Get back into the pool: It’s unhelpful to avoid the water if your child doesn’t feel comfortable in it. The best thing you can do for them is to both go back into the water again so they have another chance to become familiar with it and build their confidence. Start with short and frequent sessions in the pool, gradually increasing the time as your child becomes more comfortable. Consistency is key to helping them overcome their fear and develop a positive association with water.

5️⃣ Make bath time fun: Bath time is a great opportunity to get your child used to being in the water. Make it a fun and relaxing experience by adding toys and games. Encourage your child to splash and play in the water. This not only helps them get used to the sensation of water but also builds positive associations. Singing songs or playing gentle water-related games can make bath time enjoyable and stress-free.

6️⃣ Be patient and encouraging: Every child is different and may take varying amounts of time to feel comfortable in the water. Be patient and offer lots of positive reinforcement. Celebrate small victories, such as putting their face in the water or floating with assistance. Your encouragement and support can boost their confidence and willingness to try new things.

By following these tips, you can help your child become more comfortable with water, making your family holiday more enjoyable for everyone. Remember, the goal is to create a positive and safe environment where your child can learn to love the water at their own pace.

Feel free to send us an email with any questions about this subject, or if you’d like to share your swimming story with us - swim@swimmax.ie 



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